Friday, August 10, 2007

7 Questions You Have to Ask Before Jumping on the Plane to Meet Her

You have met your true love online. Is she for real? The entire world is desperate to find the real love. As the popular songs sounds, 'All You Need is Love'. It is true: to love and to be loved is probably the most important thing in our life. But what to do if you are not sure - is it Love with a capital "L" or just another temporary flirt? Doubting if the person you are with is the right one for you is a normal thing especially if you have meet that person through online dating sites and you never have meet her face to face. But there are some things to consider, especially if she is miles away from you that can help you make up your mind if that person is worth to spend your money and time with. 1. For how long do you known her? If you just met her - forget about View the rest of this article

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