Tuesday, August 21, 2007

<b>P-L-A-N your personal safety on the road</b>

If you are concerned about your personal safety while out and about on the roads here is a simple 4-point guide from GEM Motoring Assist, the leading UK driver based road safety association. The guide offers practical advice for any driver, whether they have just passed their test or have years of driving experience.

P - Prepare yourself

- assess your risks. We can all take responsibility for our own personal safety, taking steps to modify or change our behaviour according to the risks

- try to be relaxed. You can exacerbate a difficult situation if you are rushed, stressed, or afraid

- avoid confrontation. Do not meet aggression with aggression. Talk your way out of problems: stay calm, speak gently, slowly and clearly. Breathe View the rest of this article

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