Saturday, July 28, 2007

Avoiding Erectile Dysfunction

This is the one thing none of us want to think about! Being a real man in our Western culture means we have to be able and willing to perform all night long. I am willing, when I am not tired or when I haven’t had a rough day at work. But hey, every day is a stressful day that when I come home, I just want to relax and feel good. Most of the time, I don’t even think about sex, and when I do think I know I will probably not be able to do as much as I want for my wife. I’ve mentioned that one day to our family doctor and he said that nowadays there are numerous ways to overcome impotence. He was all nice and friendly and helpful as he’s always been, but when someone tells you for the first time that your lack of erection is “quite common” and View the rest of this article

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