Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Incredible <PAUSE> Button

By Darlene Braden
Have you ever jumped to conclusions? Your boss asks you to do something and you immediately make it mean that they don’t respect you? Your coworker walks by with out saying “Hi” and, ever so quickly, you make it mean that they don’t like you or that you are not important. Wouldn’t it be interesting if you were able to pause a bit and not make it mean anything until you gave it some time? What if you didn’t grab a conclusion so quickly? Wouldn’t it be great to not let the good or bad opinions of others affect you in either a positive or negative way and be free of others thoughts?
I have something magical for you! It is a wireless, invisible remote control with incredible powers. Let me explain how it will assist you in keeping control over your thoughts and emotions.
Imagine now that you see a cool looking remote control sitting next to you on the chair. Go ahead and imagine you are picking it up. There are a lot of re¬ally cool buttons on this remote. The only one you need right now is the button. When any scenario occurs in your life where you begin to make a limiting belief or meaning, push the button and don’t ask “why.”
For example, you have a lunch appointment with a buyer and they are late. After about fifteen minutes of waiting you may begin to make a story as to why they are late. You may think that he:
• Doesn’t want your product.
• Doesn’t really like you.
• Doesn’t respect your time.
• Forgot the appointment because he is dumb.
• Got in an accident and is dead.
• Is late because he can’t find the restaurant.
• Planned for a different day and miscommunicated.
Which meaning should you use? How about none of them? Push your button and go into neutral mode. Make no meaning yet. Wait. Clear your mind. Be open for possibilities. When your associate finally shows up for lunch, then you can ask him what happened and know the real meaning of why he was late. You will realize that you didn’t need to waste your precious time writing false stories.
It is difficult for a person to make no meaning out of a situation such as this. It is very common to quickly attach a meaning to an event. I invite you to use your button often. When you do, go into the “Nothing.” The Nothing is a state of mind where there are no thoughts or beliefs. If your friend is late to lunch, stop right there in the Nothing and wait until you know why instead of moving into a negative meaning.
My clients report that they use their buttons often! The remote comes in so handy because its use is so quick and effective. When you begin to use your button often, you will start to realize that beliefs or meanings are very sub¬jective and not real.
When will you use your new button this week? When you have learned how to use it, I recommend that you share it with your friends and coworkers; they will surely appreciate the gift.

Darlene Braden is the author of the bestseller - What Stops You? Overcome Self-Sabotage Personal and Professional. Do you want to achieve your dreams, goals and visions? Darlene's F*R*E*E eBook - Create the Life You Want - shows you how.

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