Friday, December 14, 2007

At Last - Hands Free Kayaking Using Foot Pedals

Hobie Cat's new Mirage kayak turns the kayaking world on its head with a system that keeps boaters' hands free. The new technology is sure to change how people look at kayaking.
Hobie Cat is one of the world's top kayak makers. The Hobie Mirage kayak is the only "hands-free" kayak ever made. Hobie Cat has completely changed kayaking and the pool of buyers for the sport.
The Mirage is the first kayak with a flipper system that has pedals and steering. Two removable flippers beneath the kayak move in opposite directions when boaters pedal, like a paddleboat but much faster. The kayak's design lets it move easily and quickly. The flippers come off for travel. The system has a self-cleaning property to protect from the normal wear of kayak usage. The flippers adj View the rest of this article

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