Monday, December 31, 2007

What Is Your Car Trying To Tell You?

Over all my years of driving the one thing that still causes me the most concern is when I hear a new noise. This drives me particularly crazy every spring. After months of having the windows rolled up it's very disconcerting when you first roll down the window to get a whiff of that fresh springtime air and you start hearing all those noises you car makes, and perhaps has been making all winter long. Then you start to think "what's that noise?", "how long has it been doing that?"
You drive your car everyday. You know how it should handle. If you notice something amiss, and more than once, get it checked out. You may save yourself a lot of inconvenience and money in the long run. You and your mechanic need to be a team when it comes to the maintenance of your car View the rest of this article

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