Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Grandma?s Herbal Remedies For Infants And Children

Once upon a time, we used to turn to our parents or grandparents when something was wrong with our little ones. More often than not, now we turn to our doctors. Unfortunately, our doctors were never taught what our grandmothers learned from their mothers, methods that have been tried and true for centuries. Here is a not-so-complete list of some of my favorites passed down from my Grandma.
ADD ? Grandma didn?t call it this back then, but that?s probably what it was. Aside from some good discipline, Grandma made sure her kids ate lots of fish to improve brain function and behavior. She knew that feeding us fish was a great way to boost the brain cells. Another way to get essential fatty acids (that key ingredient in fish) into your children is to mix liquid Flax S View the rest of this article

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